This Mirage called Entrepreneurship

Mona Moxie
2 min readMar 12, 2021

The more I study Entrepreneurship as a whole, the more I see how empty it can be.

Hollywood over glorifies it. The media over simplifies it…but when you truly take a look, it’s all a façade.

Some say it’s “living the dream”, I say it’s “fighting for the dream”. You know why?

Because it’s a race against time, against culture, against sanity. The truth is many will not make it…

And this is because there’re so many hype about so many things which are really not true. Wait a second…let’s digress and check an example.

Take for instance, hacking and programming in movies. The Hacker steps in like a Ninja, writes “3” lines of code and boom💥, he’s controlling traffic in the country, rotating a satellite or even dividing the moon into two….

But if you are a programmer, and for which other programmers can bear me witness, you’ll know these things are highly exaggerated. It’s not always so in reality. Coding or hacking isn’t always that fun and easy like these guys make it seem.

Likewise, there are certain elements within society that have been gloried above normal. Entrepreneurship is one of such. Starting your own business is one of those. Much of the appeal is in the hype. True entrepreneurship is more of a response to a need than a response to a wish.

Outside, there’s so much hype on how glorious it feels to be your own boss. But I really wish it was so within.

Within, you are clothed with internal worries, fears, struggles, anxiety. You can literally feel adrenaline running through you.

It’s like soldiers in war. We hear of them. We admire them. But a soldier knows the hype is way louder than the call.

In war, he’s expected to be bold and charged up even in the face of death. But he knows… he truly knows that he’s only a bullet away from eternity.

Likewise Entrepreneurship, one misstep and you are off. Your family who have been waiting for you to “make it” may have to wallow in misery because of your failure.

Your friends who were waiting for you to appear on Forbes might have to start raising money for your rent. A generation waiting for your success might have to seek help somewhere else. …

And as hard as this may sound, not everyone gets a second chance. Not everyone my friend.

Until you make it, you are not a Boss. You are just a slave. A slave to the vision. A slave to your dreams.

Just know the world will only clap for your story if they’ve seen your glory. Until then, you may have to walk alone, dream alone, and forge your path


But in time.

For if you must dance to the beat, you should know the steps.

Peace ✌️

